When I had my first son, I was amazed at the
amount of gifts he got. It seemed that the postman was arriving with cards and
parcels almost every day for weeks and weeks. Every visitor came laden down
with presents for the baby. We had just bought the basics, so we were thrilled
with all the clothes, toys, blankets and cuddly toys that came Number One's
With Number Two and Number Three, there were
still plenty of visitors and some gifts. But a lot of people
admitted that they really didn't know what to get. Sure you have everything you
need, don't you? they said. And so we ended up with lots of vouchers for
nappies. Nothing wrong with that. It saved us a few quid. But I did feel sorry
for the boys. They hadn't really anything lasting like Number One had.
Even as a mother of three, it can be quite
tricky to choose a gift for newborn when they are not the first child in the
family. A lot of people shy away from telling their friends and family
what they would really like for fear of seeming greedy. Some, like me when
Number Three was only a few days old, simply had no idea what they want or
need. Sleep deprivation, sore boobs and baby brain had taken over and I had no
overview of how well equipped we were (materially) to deal with a new baby.
With a few months distance from Number Three's
birth, I have now put together a list of gifts for babies, ranging from the
practial to the pretty, in the hope that it will inspire you.

While practical, cutlery also makes a nice,
lasting gift to mark a child's birth, baptism or first birthday.
Piggy bank - A piggy bank is another practical but thoughtful gift.
It is individual to the child and won't become a hand-me-down to younger
siblings. Again, with regards to colour, design and price, there a massive
range and they are not hard to find.

Melamine bowl & plate set - Over the last few years melamine sets for babies and
toddlers have been popping up everywhere. Paperchase, Habermaass and many other
manufacturers have been bringing out patterns ranging from pretty to funky.
They are dishwasher and microwave safe, sturdy and colourful. What more can you
ask for? I know that my kids love their own melamine beakers, bowls and
Voucher for photo printing - with everything gone digital these days there is not
much photo printing going on, but who can resist printing a few snaps of their
treasured newborn? One for Daddy's desk, for Mummy's purse, for Nana's fridge.
In our case we even had to get one for the proud big brother's pencil case for
his first day of school. Giving the gift of a voucher for a good printshop
could be quite welcome.
Baby Photo Album - My children love to look at their baby albums. Along
with photos, I put in a few notes about when they took their first steps, etc.
and I saved their boarding passes from their first flights to Ireland. The Baby
album we got for Number One had an ink stamp with it for making footprints at different
ages (3, 6, 9 and 12 months for instance). Here is the link to the most recent version of the same album. A baby album is a
joy to have. If you are an extra good friend, you could even offer to fill it
with photos and mementos of baby's first year.
Keepsake Box - This is a similar idea to the baby album but suits the
less organised parents and / or larger families. They don't need to print, cut
and stick, they just need to fling everything from the hospital bracelet to the
first lock of hair into the keepsake box. There are beautiful boxes available.
Tied with a lovely big bow, they are not only practical but also make a lovely
feature in the nursery. (Tip: this is something you can hand make too, for an
extra special touch).
Bodies and babygros - In my experience, bodies and babygos get a lot of wear
and, being closest to the skin, are likely to suffer the effects of the
explosive nappies around the 3 to 5 month stage. Many of them may not be
suitable for handing down to younger siblings. I have always been glad of soft
new bodies and babygros as gifts. What is also unbelievably cute are matching
t-shirt and babygros with "big brother" and "little
A Children's Classic - A classic book like Wind In The Willows, The Water
Babies or Alice in Wonderland with an inscription to the baby makes a wonderful
gift. Give it to a toddler or older child and they will more than likely not be
terribly impressed. But give it to a newborn and they will grow up knowing that
that book is theirs and theirs alone.

While I am at it, I may as well give you my
top three presents for new or expectant parents (first timers).
1. DVD Bebes du Monde - If you haven't seen this film, go out and get it.
No matter how many of your own children you have, you will find it beutiful and
amazing. It is a largely silent documentary film which charts the first year in
the lives of four babies, one each in USA, Mongolia, Japan and Africa. The
differences in the treatment of pregnancy and style of upbringing are
2. The Wonder Weeks - A fantastic book on the developmental stages every baby
goes through. Reading this will not help a teething baby sleep, but it will
help the parents realise why their hitherto calm and adorable baby has become a
nightmare and reassure them that their darling will return. It also gives a
good insight into what a baby can do and when.
3. Baby's First Skills - In month-by-month chapters this book by Dr. Miriam Stoppard
details what a baby is capable of and gives excellent tips on how to entertain
and play with a baby in such a way as to help him or her learn the new skills
they are ready for. It is a great book to leaf through while feeding the baby
since the chapters are short and there are plenty of diagramsto illustrate the
points made. A very parent-friendly book.
All opinions stated here are my own and are based on my own experience. This is not a sponsored post. I was not provided with any of the products listed in this blog. Anything referenced as belonging to me or my family here was given to us by friends or purchased by us.