Monday 1 June 2015

A Vlog Tour of Our Garden

I'm not quite sure what came over me in the garden on Saturday, but I ended up making a little video tour of the fruit, veg and herbs in our garden for you. It was a lovely blustery day, the kind of weather I love but that we rarely get here unfortunately. 

As I say, I got a sudden urge to share our small but flourishing garden with you. It was all very spur of the moment and my editing skills are still fairly basic, so please forgive my little slips of the tongue. I know that tomatoes don't grow on trees and I couldn't edit out the part where I nearly said "shite". And before any of you start feeling sorry for me and my wierd tick, I don't have one. There was just a bit of coconut stuck in my tooth, so that is what those couple of wierd facial expressions are about. 

So here's me in the garden. Enjoy!

Home Etc


  1. I keep saying we are going to get a garden going! Love that you shared. It is fun to do video posts isn't it?

    1. Do Joann, do. It is so rewarding and you don't need much space. This morning I spent 15 minutes weeding and then gathered a few herbs for the dish I'm making for lunch, picked a handful of ripe strawberries (we have 6 plants) and ate two raspberries from the bush (we have two small bushes).
      I think I am getting to like the video posts, although I prefer writing.
      Thanks for watching!

  2. Bahaha! You crack me up. I find the coconut tick oddly charming :-)

    We have 'fingers of death' rather than green fingers. The only plants that survive our home are the ones that need exactly zero care from us.

    1. Maybe I'll make it my trademark ;)

      Oh dear...fingers of death? Maybe you should stick to buying your fruit and veg then :)

  3. Haha!! I LOVE this!!!!! BRILLIANT — can actually hear you and see you properly — that's so nice :) You're exactly as I imagined — apart from the dodgy tic ;) Love your garden Fi — our fig needs moving — poor thing is in a dark corner and it doesn't like it!! But WOW! Kiwis, walnuts?! Amazing! Lucky you — what a fabulous place :) Thanks so much for linking up with #HomeEtc — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro |

    1. THanks Caro. Yeah, the tic - I didn't notice that till I was editing. Bloody coconut! We are so lucky to have had keen gardeners as the previous owners of our house and garden. The figs are the size of my fist and taste fantastic.
      Good luck with moving your fig. We donated our second one to a neighbour who put in a sunnier spot than it had been in in out garden and it has done brilliantly there.
