Saturday 23 January 2016

A Long Overdue Patchwork Quilt

I am a born hoarder. As I type I am wearing a skirt I bought in 1997. I am not stingy, I just have trouble parting with things I like. 

So it follows that I am not a natural de-clutterer. The January clear out bug has never hit me. That is until this year. It is probably because I am at home and I see the amount of, well stuff, for want of a better word, that is around the house. 

A few days ago I attacked my wardrobe. One big bin-bag got filled. Obiously a few older pieces survived. Next up was the guest room, which doubles as my hobby room. As I cleared and sorted and binned stuff, I came across one of my unfinished projects - a patchwork quilt.

This project has been around for three or four years. I am not quite sure why it didn't ever get finished but I am determinded to finish it, and soon.

Back when Number Two was still sleeping in a cot (he is now 5 1/2), I decided to sew him a quilt for when he would move into his own big boy bed. 

I thought up a colour scheme (greens and greys) and a theme (leaves) and I bought the fabric in Ikea. I even got as far as sewing all the patches together and got started on attaching the wadding and backing material. And there it ended. Why? Who knows.

In the meantime Number Two has not only moved from a cot to a bed but has moved from that bed to another bedroom and a set of bunk beds. The quilt no longer matches the colour scheme of his room.

Nevertheless I am determinded to finish this quilt. We'll find a place for it somewhere. Perhaps Number Three would like it given that he sleeps in Number Two's old room. It is more suited to the colour scheme there. And it is not really a hand-me-down if no-one has ever used it, is it?

Home Etc


  1. Oh that looks lovely, I hope you do finish it. I am terrible for half-finished projects and have never crochet blankets that have never reached the end. Would be so nice to be able to use it in your boys room, even it it was intended for the older ones :) #HomeEtx

    1. I'm all set to finish it. Just waiting for my sewing machine to come back from being repaired. Today I finished my crochet hat (long overdue too) and did a bit of work on a partly-finished crochet blanket. On a roll!
      Go on, give your blankets a go again!

  2. Ooh it's so fun when you come across long-forgotten items or projects. Good for you for carrying on to finish it, I love the colour scheme X #HomeEtc

    1. I am excited abot finishing it now. The parts that are done got done in the space of a week. I have no idea why I didn't finish it. But I am dead set to do it now as soon as my sewing machine comes back from repair.

  3. Hello lovely! Thanks so much for linking up with us! My house was hit with the dreaded winter sick bug last week so I'm so behind with my comments. Just catching up now! Aaah my home is FULL of half finished projects — I have a scarf that I started about 5 years ago but I WILL finish it one day!!!!!

    I think you'll end up with this in your own room — if you're anything like me — by the time you've finished it, the boys will have left home!! ;)

    PS #HomeEtc is live tomorrow from 6.30am xx

    1. No worries Caro. I'll be along tomorrow, hopefully without the laptop problems of last week.
      Today I picked my sewing machine from the repair place so I am all enthusiasm to get this quilt finished. That's not to say it won't end up in my room though :)
