Friday 14 August 2015

Fireman Sam Soap Spinoff

Fireman Sam is a big feature of our visits to Ireland. While The Bavarian and I catch up with family and friends, the children play and watch some TV, Fireman Sam being a favourite. 

It seems to me that this cartoon, more than any other, has a huge cast of adults and it got me fantastising about a soap opera spinoff. I obviously need more mental stimulation if these are the kind of thoughts I am redeuced to having now. 

But anyway, Pontypandy has a shop, fire station, cafe and school so several of the soap opera usuals are covered right there. 

Scene 1: Brownyn brewing up a cuppa for Elvis, who has asked to meet Sam in the cafe. Poor half-witted Elvis has finally found the guts to confide in Sam about how he feels bullied and partonised by Station Officer Steele. Will he take a case against his employer?

Scene 2: Meanwhile down the steet in the Dilys' shop, Helen is bitching about airy-fairy Brownyn over the shop counter. Little does she know that Sarah, Brownyn's daughter is lurking in the biscuit aisle and overhears everything.

Scene 3: [Let's assume that somewhere in that wholesome-looking seaside town there is a pub]. In a dark corner, down the back, sporty, blonde-haired Penny and her Australian workmate Tom Thomas enjoy an after work drink. Is their long-standing friendship turning into an affair? What effects will it have on their work?

Further storylines:
Radar the dog bites a child and the community is divided as to whether he should be put down.
Will Sam leave Pontypandy for good and take up that promotion he keeps being offered elsewhere?
And who is Norman Price's father?

It could work, don't you think? Any sortylines you'd like to see?

Friday Frolics


  1. My best are on Sam being Normans dad after a drunken one night stand! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

    1. You could be on to something there Claire!
