Wednesday 5 August 2015

My Irish Design Wishlist

Last week we paid a visit to Leitrim Design House in the pretty little town of Carrick-on-Shannon. It is a showcase for Irish designers and sells gorgeous products from local and national artists. I went in to buy a present for a friend and ended up with a wishlist the length of my arm. That, combined with a visit to my amazing friend in Connemara and to the Foxford Woollen Mills in Mayo, left me feeling that I have to fill my suitcases with Irish ceramics, wicker and crafts before heading home. Thank goodness for Lufthansa's great luggage allowance. 

Here's a selection of the things I am hankering after.

A set of classic Stephen Pearce mugs


Family Tree (Irish Oak) Large Framed Kit, using fingerprints of all the family members.

Photo: Foxford Wollen Mills

Blankets from Foxford Wollen Mills. The problem is which to choose from their gorgeous range of colours and patterns.

Mohair throws from Avoca.

Of course I'd have to get something for the boys too and this is what I would choose, the Hurlog - a soft hurley stick to introduce children to hurling without the fear of them bashing each other's heads in. They spotted it themselves in the shop and have already put in their requests. 

Watch out shops of Ireland, here we come!

Home Etc


  1. I love the prints on the blankets - the houndstooth one get my vote! #homeetc

    1. Aren't they gorgeous Jemma? And they are all so soft. I just can't decide. Thanks for stopping by x

  2. The frame kit looks brilliant and such a lovely idea. Hope the children enjoy the hurley stick! Thanks for linking up - Jess x #HomeEtc

    1. I think it is a fab idea. I'd really like to do that with the kids. I am a big heritage fan, so this is just my kind of thing.
      Thanks for stopping by Jess

  3. What a beautiful mug. And those blankets are gorgeous! I'm always so very tempted by woollen blankets, but we have bit of a moth problem and I'm terrified they'll get eaten! #HomeEtc

    1. I know a lot of people are not so mad about unglazed pottery, but I love it.
      Oh, we had moths too a while back. Such a nuisance. We got traps that are like fly paper and catch them all.
      Thanks for popping by Lizzie.

  4. Oh I love that family tree, such a lovely idea. I would struggle to chose from the beautiful blankets too and mohair is such a treat. Ah Hurlog take me back. Lovely post & now I want to visit Ireland, I have not been for a couple of years x

    1. It is a really nice idea, isn't it Lisa? I really want to get one.
      I'm thrilled you've been to Ireland. Let me know if you are visiting again and I can give you some insider tips :)

  5. I'll have one of each of those blankets please! totally gorgeous and of course I've no need for blankets on my bed but I can still have them just the same right? #homeetc

    1. You can never have enough blankets - a few for the sofa, some for the garden furniture in case it gets a bit chilly, more for picnics,.... :)

  6. Aaah those blankets are scrummy aren't they? I've got a bit of a penchant for 'emergency blankets'. Our sofa/chairs are covered with strategically placed ones, just in case you feel a bit chilly! ;) Thanks so much for linking up with #HomeEtc — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro |

    1. They are great, aren't they? I usually have a few on the outside furniture too for the chillier sunny days.

  7. Oh, lovely. Yes to all except the hurlog. That's a sport I could live without my lad getting in to.

    1. I see wher you are coming from. It can be *sightly* dangerous.

  8. Love the picture; cool and calming. As for the Hurlog stickk, my Irish mother brought a hard one back for my nephews...disaster. Much prefer the idea of a soft one!

    1. Oh dear! The soft ones are a genius idea, I think.
